Lucky Charm

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Lucky Charm
User Ladybug
Input QCF.pngPunch.png

Lucky Charm is one of Ladybug's special moves in Miraculous Fighters, where she summons a random item that she can utilize by attacking with the LP.png button. She can only summon one item at a time, and repeating the input tosses the item forward as an attack; however, she can also pull a dud item, which will have no effect when used as an attack. Lucky Charm also has a noticeable amount of startup lag; if Ladybug is interrupted, she will not gain an item.

Lucky Charm item Attack
Wrench Strikes downward with the wrench.
Towel Whips forward with the towel.
Yo-yo Flings the yo-yo forward, before it returns back to her.
Spray paint Sprays a cloud of paint that acts as a large hitbox.
Camera Flashes the camera, stunning the opponent.
Tuba Blasts a loud note on the tuba, creating a hitbox from the soundwave.
Boxing gloves Punches forward powerfully.
Coin Dud.
Ink pen
Tea pot
Cassette tape


Ladybug using Lucky Charm to summon an lollipop.

Lucky Charm is Ladybug's main superpower, which grants her an item that she is supposed to utilize in order to break the akumatized object, and purify the akuma with her yo-yo.

Each Lucky Charm item seen in Miraculous Fighters comes from an episode of the show; the wrench is seen in Bubbler, the towel is seen in Stormy Weather, the yo-yo is seen in Simon Says, the spray paint is seen in Gamer, the camera is seen in Reflekta, the tuba is seen in Befana, the boxing gloves are seen in Anansi, the coin is seen in Mr. Pigeon, the ball is seen in The Evillustrator, the ink pen is seen in Dark Owl, the tea pot is seen in Sapotis, the gun is seen in Malediktator, the lipstick is seen in Oblivio, and the cassette tape is seen in Party Crasher.

The specifics of this move are a subtle reference to Phoenix Wright and his evidence mechanic in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.


  • The tea pot and gun being dud Lucky Charm items are both references to the episodes they appeared in:
    • Ladybug did not need the tea pot in Sapotis, but recognized it as being similar to one that Wang Fu owned, and headed there to obtain the Fox Miraculous to get help on the mission from Alya Césaire.
    • Instead of utilizing the gun in its entirety in Malediktator, Ladybug instead simply took the laser from the gun and used it to distract Cat Noir, humorously tossing the giant gun aside.